Monday, May 28, 2018

How to make Coconut Cream

How to make Coconut Cream

Coconuts are a key ingredient in Samoan cooking. Every part of the coconut is used. You can eat the flesh raw or use it for cooking, you can drink the juice,the shell makes a handy cup or,together with the husks,you can fuel a cooking fire.The most widely used product from the coconut is coconut milk,so let me describe how the milk is traditionally made.

You will need
  1. Coconut/Popo
  2. Knife
  3. Scraper
  4. Coconut husk
  5. Bowl

1.Gather all of your equipment and put it on a table.
2.Carefully using the back of your knife rotate the coconut and try to break the coconut both at the same time.
3.Turn the coconut as you scrape the coconut flesh into the bowl and make sure both sides of the popo is scraped.
4.Take the husk fibres add some coconut flesh and water into the husk squeeze this until cream comes out.
5.Repeat this with the rest of the flesh until even more cream comes out.

6.When the cream drys out you can use it for cooking feed it to the pigs or feed it to the chickens.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

A Letter from Gallipoli

A letter from Gallipoli 27 April 1918

Dear Krisha

Here in Gallipoli it is very hot and humid there are thousands of terrible enemies trying to fight and kill the soldiers.There are also a lot of noises and big guns here oh and also did I tell you that I am very worn out i tried to escape and it happened to be a narrow escape.Oh I forgot to tell you i got a shock from all of the noises that the bullets made from the guns.I dug up a trench under ground and one of the soldiers wanted to hide with me now I am not very comfortable in the space that I am in.Oh and guess what i almost got shot what happened I was digging another trench because i was not very comfortable so when I got out of the other trench then one of the enemies shot straight where i was but luckily i ducked down at the right time.