Tuesday, August 4, 2020
My Speech Writing
Why Everyone Should Own a Dog
Today I’m going to be talking about why everyone should own a dog. There are lots of reasons why people should own a dog but here are some of them. Dogs can have an effect on the physical fitness of their owner because you would have to take your dog on a walk every day for their health of course so... More exercise for you! The benefits of owning a dog are that they make you happy, they relieve your stress and they might even make you feel more confident.
Dogs are a human’s best friend, they are very loyal animals and can improve your physical wellbeing and encourage you to have a healthy fitness routine. They also make great service and alert animals.
Having a dog is always a great conversation starter when meeting new people, people that own a dog are always willing to talk about their pet to anyone who wants to approach them. Owning a dog will make you feel special compared to other people because everyone’s pet is different. It can end up resulting in some sort of fun conversation that you and other owners can relate to.
Because of their heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing, dogs are extremely intelligent animals with loyalty to their humans that is unexpectedly strong. Those with dogs will know that your dogs can sense human body language, emotions, and feelings, and this paves the way for an unbreakable bond.
Dogs also reduce stress and prevent loneliness. A pet can be a good companion, especially if you live alone. Having a friendly face and wagging tail to come home to is an antidote for loneliness. So next time you think of getting a pet why not get a dog.